Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WARNING: Ego boosting lbd pic post

<-- sexy legs compliments of combat high knee running and extreme climbs via RPM

<--- hmm how to pose...

<--sweet lil dress i heart thee

<--- check out those quads, BAM!

<-- feel hawt, lookin' fine

<-- feeling sassy in my new lbd despite fighting a cold and running around in chilly spring weather all afternoon.  Shopping therapy cures all lemme tell ya.

<--- me being silly attempting to fake smile

<-- being vegetarian by making this timbit a conscious being, I therefore cannot eat it.  My friend was helpful in detecting a clear smiley face as well.


  1. Waer that outfit and I don't think you will have many nights by yourself!

    V- you have got to see those results and feel mahvelous!

  2. yeah totally! i was surprised to see it as that mirror is the "awful truth" mirror as i dub it. The resolution on my work monitor made me gulp so I just stare at my blackberry pics lol i was amazed, i didnt see it coming all that hard work just inspires me to push it more :)
    and dammit someone will buy me a drink thursday and if i'm lucky I'll even get a few lip lock moments :) this girl could use some lovin'

  3. Well I am curious??? How did the Thursday evening out go?

  4. All of the above accomplished and then some ;)
