Tuesday, April 19, 2011
WARNING: Ego boosting lbd pic post

Foul! no just a klutz
Oh the joys of being me.
I may have mentioned my complete lack of social prowess but my interwebs friends, I am so much more than that. Not only am I socially awkward to an obscene degree, I am also a highly evolved klutz.
Now I’ve manage to fool many with quick cover ups and improvisation but sometimes there’s just no hiding it.
For example in bodycombat last night… my friend and I have a great time pushing one another, talking smack and all that jazz.
Well we were doing a song that in a part of it you sprint forward a small distance before returning to your place in high knee running. So being the usual hardcores we’re “racing” each other. We usually only pretend to push one another, never making contact, or it being so miniscule it does nothing.
But as I’ll repeat, I am a klutz.
I just took a slight friendly jab and I was on the floor not knowing how I got there… and rolled my ankle.
I get back up, brush myself off, my face is already red from pure exertion so no worries there (I’m blond, red happens… ALL… THE… TIME). My ankle feels funny, but no pain I continue giving the high impact and talking smack to her, yelling “foul” to the instructor who just laughs. This was closer to the beginning of class so there was a lot left to go.
Throw in multiple lunge tracks, jump kicks, cross jacks, more high knee running… by the time the class was over and the adrenaline ebbed suddenly this sharp pain was shooting up the side of my foot and ankle.
I usually stretch my feet while waiting for the elevator and as I rotated my right foot I fell again, this time in pain at the slight rotation shot up my leg. I’m a girl, I’ll spazz at slight pain… it happens I cant always cover up when I grimace and fall to the floor.
Now my buddy is feeling all kinds of guilty, and I’m just trying to laugh it off amid stretch attempts to hopefully ease the throb that is only increasing in strength.
Yup… I definitely rolled my ankle good.
I still have to walk quite a few blocks (thank you city transportation and my local bus service).
All night amid overdosing on copious amounts of Advil and icing at intervals the swelling is minimal, it barely hurts to walk on it today, and I’m taking yet another day off from the gym (sad ‘nessa).
Tomorrow of course is (FINALLY) the new release for BC 47 here in
I’ve only been salivating for it forever. Also in hearing snippets on BC 48 I’m more then eager to start getting some sneak peaks on that one.
I’m such a combat crackhead ;)
Time for more Advil…
Friday, April 15, 2011
I have a pretty good intuition. But even that can be thwarted by outside influences. Lately amid the emotional rollercoaster yours truly has endured for the past many months, it’s been a lil off.
None the less the quest for happiness continues mildly derailed by negative ppl and their negativity… of which I do not need in my life and of which I’m very happy to ignore and continue on as per usual. But I’m back on track.
So I continue on the work out train. RPM for lunch with one of my favorite instructors.
I finally got a mortgage payment from the ex as all the funds have been coming out of my bank account. It was tense but I cashed it and it felt good to see a positive balance on the bank slip.
It’s going to be a quiet weekend I’m thinking, tonight read a book and laundry, tomorrow morning gym then an afternoon of retail therapy and maybe an evening out or another quiet one in. The next few weekends will be busy – Easter weekend with family fare, and then a weekend or so following will be my social filled weekend (Friday and Saturday oh boy…).
A lot to look forward to.
However a damper on everything, like an idiot, like the martyr I am and so wish I was not, I promised the ex another round of counseling.
I don’t get it.
Why go over all this again? It’s like a constant round of punishment. I feel so drained, just like the day I left just emotionally tapped out.
Does he not understand he represents the very things about myself I loathe! He represents the impulses that have controlled my life and the fear that kept me caged. The low self esteem that made 6 years pass while I stayed cocooned inside me hoping one day to wake up.
That day has come.
That day has passed.
Why can’t he just let me go? 6 years of punishment wasn’t enough?
Ugh… I need combat…
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Its far more cruel then you realize but I doubt you care.
Keep it up. I'm not leaving and I'm not going to cower from your rudeness. I'm stronger and better then you and maybe deep down you might feel a little bad for making someone whose already at a low point int her life cry over something new. Really... Hilarious...
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Attitude *snap*
I’m in a whole lotta pain today. Day 9 of 13 workouts and my body is tapping out. Going for a massage after work as much as I don’t like people touching me, I’m hoping it will help my back which has taken a beating.
Got the new release tomorrow for Body Combat 47 I’ve been foaming at the mouth for. My Sunday and Monday combats were lunge track heavy and my hammies are whimpering like the first day I did combat today, damn the instructor for calling me out, I HAD to giver hardcore, no holding back ;)
I digress… I’m also extremely grouchy today and in a bad mood. But no one believes me because I smile when I growl… little do they know I’m baring my teeth :P
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunshine and rainbows
There are a few people however that have been lifting my heart and filling my life with sunshine in an otherwise cloudy and dark existence adn one who has truly touched me that he is on my mind often, sort of a positive beacon of light. Inspiration maybe that I could reach such a level of happiness in my own life?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea
Who's gonna taste your salt water kisses
Who's gonna take the place of me
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna tame the heart of thee”
You're dangerous 'cause you're honest
You're dangerous, you don't know what you want
Well you left my heart empty as a vacant lot
For any spirit to haunt
Hey hey sha la la
Hey hey
You're an accident waiting to happen
You're a piece of glass left there on the beach
Well you tell me things I know you're not supposed to
Then you leave me just out of reach
Hey hey sha la la
Hey hey sha la la
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna fall at the foot of thee
Well you stole it 'cause I needed the cash
And you killed it 'cause I wanted revenge
Well you lied to me 'cause I asked you to
Baby, can we still be friends
Hey hey sha la la
Hey hey sha la la
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna fall at the foot of thee
Oh, the deeper I spin
Oh, the hunter will sin for your ivory skin
Took a drive in the dirty rain
To a place where the wind calls your name
Under the trees the river laughing at you and me
Hallelujah, heavens white rose
The doors you open
I just can't close
Don't turn around, don't turn around again
Don't turn around, your gypsy heart
Don't turn around, don't turn around again
Don't turn around, and don't look back
Come on now love, don't you look back
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea
Who's gonna taste your salt water kisses
Who's gonna take the place of me
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna tame the heart of thee
Thursday, April 7, 2011
take a ride on the drama train
Drama? I’ll give you drama!
Well maybe not the long but the short of what’s been going on in my life (aside from the gym which has been my safe topic for a while now… have you noticed? Haha).
My reason for starting this happiness blog was the acknowledgement of the end of my marriage and the growth and positive outlook I was holding for the future. Saying goodbye to the old dreams and goals I had possess and looking towards new and uncharted territory.
We’ve been living as roommates since about August, and now I’m finally taking the next steps and moving out tomorrow. As it turns out it doesn’t count in the separation proceedings if you are still under the same roof unless you get an expensive lawyer involved. I still co-own the house so I’ll still continue to pay half the mortgage while juggling another rent on top, but I’ll manage. It’s that or the divorce will NEVER happen. I’m 9 months out now on the divorce proceedings which really stings, legally tomorrow is day 1.
It’s been tough to hold myself together, to deal with everything alone. I didn’t want the stigma involved with being the break up initiator, but I’m finally strong enough to say I want someone who loves me, appreciates me, and I want happiness in my life. I’m 25 and far too young to settle into a routine of depression that will define my existence.
I’m moving on slowly, I just don’t want to rush anything at this point. My friends and family have been surprising and terrific. There have been a few bumps along the way but I now have the support I need. I realize I didn’t need to bear this alone, that I shouldn’t have been ashamed of someone’s shortcomings that were not my own. That him not loving me, and treating me third class to everything was not my doing was not my fault.
I had the opportunity to give in and go a little nuts this past weekend, but it’s just not me. My moral compass is quite fixed, and I’m not saying nothing will ever happen outside of this deeply ingrained moral code but right now I’m keeping it at arms length. I don’t want to have the same mistakes happen, and I want someone who will treat me like the awesome gal I am.
Because that’s me.
Real awesome, all natural :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
update a la norm
Ahh yes, there it is.
My Wednesday afternoon shin splints.
Old righty gives out every now and then, but luckily not until the combat class is over… or I don’t feel it otherwise because I’m so hopped on adrenaline.
It’s tough when you push the high impact but that’s what I want, the most bang for my buck in my workout, and to hit the instructor level. Big goals, but I got big motivation.
So the gym as always is pretty swell.