Thursday, March 24, 2011

happy sweatfest

Combat track lists of the week…


Monday – Noah always mixes it up, and his theme this past Monday’s combat was kicks, every track…. Kicking.  It was pretty sweet, but a lot of tracks I wasn’t familiar with that I have to in my own klutzy way get in the groove with.  However he did throw in a couple fan favorites and as always many high knee running tracks.  I don’t know why, but after that hour of combat was done, be it stress, be it brush with insanity, I wanted more.

So I went home, did another half hour of cardio on the elliptical to my whimpering legs, and then a few combat tracks I had memorized (Spitfire, More, Overload).  Then I felt rightly exhausted.


A little back story, I have a work thing that’s been stressing me out, and to avoid becoming an alcoholic and indulging in copious amounts of wine to offer the much needed relief, I’ve chosen working out and the euphoria of the workout high to release the tension.  That and blasting high energy beats from my prehistoric boom box in the basement [Blast the speakers anyone?  Overload!].


Tuesday with newbie instructor who is growing on me as her own confidence grows with her style is Janice – she stuck to release 45… warm up shoots and all (warm up shoots? REALLY?!? Ugh…)


Then Wednesday, Wednesday is my fav instructor who got me into this crazy combat kick.  Christine – still instructing at 5 months pregnant (I KNOW!).  It’s even more inspirational to see a lady on stage with a baby belly doing the high impact combat (albeit frequent breaks).  She was throwing all the tough tracks at us, wow, I felt like I was being punished (but I liked it lol).

Kalinka, Spitfire, Mortal Kombat, Overload… wowza – a great mix of PAIN! 

Needless to say to the cherry on top of my 3 days of combat (+ other workouts mixed in).


I kept it high impact 99% of the time for all three, shin splints touched on after Tuesdays and full blown post Wednesday, but eased up before I went home for the day.  My recovery amid high impact is really getting better.  It’s so neat to see the endurance and recovery being as quick as it is.  it used to take days!


Happy sweat fests to everyone!




  1. the tracks line-up was CRAZY!!!!

    omg.. pregnant instructor can pull that off?? lol.. im done for!

  2. yeah she's hardcore, she told us she was pregnant by saying "I'm combating for two".
    She's nicknamed us her Wednesday Warriors, totally love her :)
