Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gym Jammin'

The pettiness of some people is astounding.  I’m really too ticked to put into words, but I’ll say that it definitely is going to add fuel to my ‘spitfire’ at combat for lunch.  I hate people who have nothing better to do then seek pleasure from the misfortune of others.

Anyway, onto something I enjoy the gym recap!  I’m so sore and aching from Monday night’s intense combat with the energetic Noah.  He combines the Party track (shoots, kicking and high knee jumps) with Spitfire (all around lunging, side kick evilness… that I love/hate).  Not to mention I took part in the Tuesday lunch hour Body Pump (strength endurance class… I’m not quite sure the difference between strength building and endurance as it all seems the same to me and end result is pain, however well defined biceps).

So far this week it’s been combat (strength/cardio), pump (strength), and today more combat.  Tomorrow I’m going to attending RPM/spin class for the evening and some awesome abs if I’m feeling up to it.  My new Tuesday/Thursday cardio regime will be evening RPM as I just can’t fit lunch RPM with saving the bikes in time and changing post RPM within my 1 hour lunch. Tuesday lunch will now be body pump, and Thursday lunch will be Body Flow (yoga/pilates/tai chi/ meditation) with the RPM saved for the evening.  Friday I’m going to attempt Body Attack once more I think, as much as I hated that cheerleader fest, it’s a huge cardio bang for your buck in 45 min.  That or depending on the pain/DOMS will be Body Flow again.  Saturday is my usual double down of RPM for an hour, then Body Pump directly following for an hour.

Sunday I tend to take as a “day off”, but might throw in some at home yoga and elliptical to help the muscle recovery to start it all over again Monday.  There’s also been talk among my gym buddy and I about seeking out a Sunday combat to satisfy our combat thirst.  We’re crazy like that.

If I throw in a Body Flow for my Monday lunch hour that’s a total of 10 workouts in a week, if I count my Sunday “day off” work out, that’d be 11.

10 – 11 work outs a week.

Why am I 5’9 and a size 8 and not a size 0?  

Cuz I’m all muscle and grit lol

Seriously though… why am I not a size 0?  Or even 6 or 4 would be nice, you know, bikini worthy body, eh soon enough.






  1. well.. the only cardio here is BA.. BC not so much on burning the fats away but it build on stamina and muscle toning.. BP is all about building muscles.. and yoga.. good for anti-aging..

    but what's not to like for size 8? soon one number down is 6.. and that's awesome enough to walk the beach in a two-piece!

    you go girl!

  2. Well said Takashi - Be proud of where you are at - not where you want to be.

    Size 8 looks awesome on you!

  3. Aww shucks, you guys are sweet haha - I have a trouble zone on my tummy I would prefer to be rid of then I think I'll rock that bikini hardcore ;)
