New schedule for my gym, I lost my Tuesday evening combat, but gained a Sunday morning. That’s a double fist pump right there.
So far my weekly schedule looks to be like this:
(N- noon, E – evening)
Monday N- RPM E- Combat
Tuesday N- BodyPump E- 1hr intense cardio
Wednesday N- Combat E- 1 hr cardio
Thursday N- BodyPump or flow E- 1 hr cardio
Friday N- RPM
Saturday 9:30 – RPM 10:30 - BodyPump
Sunday 9:30 – Combat 10:30 – BodyFlow
Yup, nothing like living at the gym. I’m absolutely insane with working out. Despite my utter exhaustion by the end of the day, and the zombie stare I can’t seem to break for 5minutes while working at my computer, I wish I was at the gym 24/7.
I’d even throw in 6 a.m. workouts if I wasn’t the world’s definition of someone who is NOT a morning person.
Saturdays and Sundays only work because technically getting up at 7:45 is sleeping in 2 hours later then I normally get up.
I get so jazzed knowing a work out is approaching, excited like I’m about to open a present or something equally grin inducing.
It’s so new to me. This want to work out, this craving.
I’ve never thought me of all people, who over a year ago and 80lbs heavier and was a FOOD addict could be a gym addict.
Never in all my life had I made it beyond failure to mediocre in regards to physical activity. Never have I accomplished things, or set goals or missions.
I no longer consider failure as my only option, I know I can do things, I know some things take time, and as long as I put in the effort I can achieve everything I want.
I like to be the person in RPM that the athletic folks attempt to keep pace with. I like that I’m still somewhat wrongly judged over my still hourglass curvy figure as someone who doesn’t have the endurance and stamina to take anything that’s thrown at me. I like looking in the mirror, although still surprised by what I see, and maybe okay I do still avoid it when I’m a sweaty mess in combat.
I like knowing where I am, from where I’ve come. This is a huge journey and will never be over, but to know that first step has brought me here is so inspiring, I know anything is possible.
No matter what is thrown at me, what stress I endure, what pain I suffer, the gym lifts it, it brings me back to that place of accomplishment. It’s my temple, my sanity.
I never would have found it if my mistakes hadn’t led me here, so I’m even thankful for those.
One day, when I’m proud to look in the mirror, when I have abs I can grate low fat cheese off of, I’ll still be just as proud, just as driven and just as passionate.
I don’t doubt this.
I feel like I’ve finally woken up in life, and now I’m living :)